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Pink Grapefruit Collins

Pink Grapefruit Collins

Grapefruit Collins is a delightful cocktail, perfect for spring or autumn, the transitional times of the year. When one is looking for something approaching light summer cocktails, but maintaining that warming quality scotch can provide.
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Daylesford Spirit Cocktails

Pink Grapefruit Collins

Pink Grapefruit Collins

Pink Grapefruit Collins Continue Reading

Pink Grapefruit Collins

Grapefruit Collins is a delightful cocktail, perfect for spring or autumn, the transitional times of the year. When one is looking for something ap...

Breakfast Gin Continue Reading

Breakfast Gin

Breakfast Gin It's simple, delicious and almost counts for your 2 and 5. The Breakfast Gin Cocktail is a refreshing way to enjoy a morning cockta...

Naughty Nikki Continue Reading

Naughty Nikki

A dessert cocktail is the perfect end to the day. Made with Daylesford Spirit's award winning Barrel Ages Shiraz Gin and topped with your choice of...

Classic Gin & Tonic (G&T) Continue Reading

Classic Gin & Tonic (G&T)

This is a classic cocktail that all gin drinkers should know how to make – it’s light, delicious, versatile and can be enjoyed all year round.

The Gimlet Continue Reading

The Gimlet

The Gimlet was invented in the late 1800’s to combat scurvy on long sea voyagers though now we enjoy it as an easy to make cocktail. 

Daylesford Spirit Sloe Gin Hot Toddy Continue Reading

Daylesford Spirit Sloe Gin Hot Toddy

The Hot Toddy cocktail with Daylesford Spirit Gin. The perfect festive cold weather cocktail for the winter months.

The Martinez Continue Reading

The Martinez

Daylesford Spirit Barrel Aged Chardonnay Gin creates a beautiful Martinez Cocktail